Holistic Nutrition Coaching

Empowering Your Wellness Journey

We all reach a point in our lives where change becomes essential, yet the path forward often feels overwhelming. Many of us find ourselves ensnared in circumstances that drain our inspiration and heighten our stress. Health issues that were once minor distractions can evolve into significant disruptions, influencing every aspect of our day-to-day existence. The thought of identifying solutions and taking decisive action can be intimidating, but you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

Embracing a holistic nutrition coaching experience can be the first step toward transformation. Together, we’ll explore the underlying factors behind your hormone imbalances, digestive challenges, and sleep difficulties. We’ll also address the creeping weight gain and increasing anxiety. This is your moment to seek clarity and embark on a meaningful journey towards health and wellness, all while receiving support and guidance tailored to your unique needs.

In our journey towards optimal health, we will sift through the myriad of marketing trends, the latest diet and exercise protocols, and the plethora of research reports to identify the health-supportive choices that resonate with you personally.

If you are open to it, we will delve even deeper, recognizing that true healing involves evolving our understanding of our essence. Beyond just physical practices, we embrace the energetic and spiritual dimensions of life, fostering greater self-awareness and alignment with our authentic selves. Together, we can connect and cultivate a holistic lifestyle that not only heals but also empowers you to thrive in all aspects of your life.


Email Teri at teri@terimosey.com

What makes this experience unique?

Teri's holistic approach embodies a unique fusion of Eastern and Western philosophies, drawing from traditional Chinese medicine and yogic traditions while integrating modern insights from mind-body physiology, neurobiology, and quantum physics. This comprehensive perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of health and wellness, considering not just the physical body, but also the energetic and emotional dimensions of a person. Teri believes that true healing requires recognizing the links between physical symptoms, mental challenges, emotional states, and life circumstances. By addressing the whole being, her method goes beyond merely alleviating symptoms, aiming instead to uncover and treat the root causes of health issues. This inclusive approach fosters long-lasting relief, promoting overall well-being and a deeper understanding of oneself.

”Unknowingly from the moment I stepped in to Teri’s session, The Hidden Messages in Food, I knew it was no mistake that I was in the right place at the right time. Personally, I was on a journey for a few different reasons, ultimately to discover ways to help improve a chronic health condition. Little did I know that food, FOOD: How, what, when, and who I was eating with was about to be challenged and forever changed. Let’s be honest, this was scary, overwhelming, and uncomfortable. No one wants to be questioned on their food choices, or the deeper meaning of those choices. Especially if you are a picky eater, like me! Working with Teri was so much more than changing a grocery list. I was able to: step outside comfort zones, understand why I was eating/not eating certain foods, and ultimately, challenge habits that no longer served a purpose. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Teri-an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to explore and expand their relationship with food. Teri has helped me become the best version of myself through food- plus I learned to cook things I once thought impossible! Overall, I cannot say enough about how this experience has shifted what I think is possible, and how I feel on a daily basis. All for the better! Not to mention, greater mental clarity, weight loss, and best of all- knowing I am comfortable in choosing foods that serve me best.”

- Lindsey L


”My weight had been up and down my entire life. I spent a lifetime trying any diet I could get my hands on. Many times incurring in extreme exercising or diets with fast but never lasting results. By mid 40s my body started to change and nothing seemed to work. I was at my heaviest weight in years, like many my work stress was also at an all-time high and there was no time left for exercising. I was lost and couldn’t find a way forward. A friend of mine recommended Teri and with her I started a journey to health and healing. The plan was simple, not a diet but a lifestyle change. This included a different way of eating and exercising but most importantly ensuring my mind and body found balance. I trusted the process and closely followed Teri’s instructions, teachings, and recommendations. Very quickly I and those around me started noticing a drastic change not only in my body but most importantly my mind. I found my inner balance and for the first time in years I was at peace. This internal process naturally reflected on my body as I started to eat, sleep, and live a better, healthier life. I finally understood that living a healthy life requires my daily active engagement and to ensure this I now have the tools that will last me a lifetime. Teri literally changed my life and I will forever be thankful to her for the gift of health. ”

- Mercedes F

”I like to think of my time working with Teri as “My Journey to Happiness”! Teri taught me so much! My initial interest was learning about nutrition and losing weight. I’m so happy that I chose the holistic approach, because during my journey I learned that while it is important to be physically fit and maintain a healthy weight; it is just as important (maybe more so), to be emotionally well. Along with my weight loss, I no longer have heartburn issues, and less low back and shoulder pain. I am also more relaxed, less anxious and my self-talk is better. I feel a sense of peace. I will be forever grateful to Teri for leading me through my journey to happiness – truly one of the best experiences of my life!!"

- Alice B

”A friend recommended I talk to Teri after I dieted myself into a corner, an unhealthy one at that, and totally disconnected myself from food and the pleasure of it. Of course, that was just one part of the problem, but I didn’t know at the time that body and soul are related and cured at the same time. Little did I know my life was about to change. She taught me about what-when-how to eat and I went from disliking food to cherishing every meal. But my journey was so much more than that; she also generated an awareness and gave me the tools to heal my soul and lead a healthy, balanced and much more peaceful life. The route has not been easy, she encountered resistance and doubts, yet managed to keep me on track in a very gentle, kind and most resolute way. I am so very grateful Teri, for your guidance, support and patience, you gifted me the insight and tools to lead a life I didn’t think possible. I’m happy and healthy and full of life. Thank you!”

- Celia A

”I worked with Teri for almost 10 years and I found her expertise and professionalism wonderful. Each client is trained according to their specific needs. Her knowledge includes an education in nutrition and she helped me with amazing, delicious and healthy recipes . I became stronger and improved my balance and coordination - important as I age! I learned to run and ran over 20 5k races - something I never thought I could do. Teri also introduced me to yoga, which I enjoy practicing today. Our sessions were fun and I looked forward to each time we met. As I recently developed arthritis in my joints, Teri was also able to help me with exercises to strengthen my legs and keep me moving. Working with Teri was the best decision for my mind and body that I ever chose!”

- Jeri S

”I've always been interested in becoming a "clean eater", but didn't know how to begin. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from working with Teri. I was hopeful she could help me make better nutritional choices but I certainly didn't expect it to positively affect my whole life. Her insights and intuition, both nutritionally and beyond, are unprecedented. She has the ability to look at a daily food log and pinpoint emotional eating and then even suggest what could be the root cause. She was always available whenever I needed her, be it over email, text, or phone. My goals were her goals. I came to Teri without the background needed to succeed; without Teri I would have surely failed. I haven't cooked in years - my daughters grew up on take-out. Once I started working with Teri, I learned everything about preparing good, healthy meals that met my goals; from how to choose the best produce and vegetables to what brands and ingredients to shop for, and of course, how to cook the meals. My family and friends cannot believe I actually use my kitchen now, even with the constant pictures as proof! Teri will not just show you what to eat, but how you can prepare delicious, nutritionally-valuable meals in your own home. And believe me, if I can do it anyone can. Being committed to my diet is hard work, but Teri has been there every step of the way and helped guide me around the obstacles. I am able to happily maintain this lifestyle because of how amazing I feel. Teri is the complete package. If you're looking to make real, life-long changes (regardless of how big or small) and find the task daunting or don't know where to start, start with Teri.”

- Rhonda E